I'm working on a new feature in an existing Perl codebase that will allow us to log the commands being sent to the database. I'm basing the solution off of Log4perl, which prevents me from having to reinvent several wheels.
Unfortunately, I'm running into a snag: every message gets sent to the log file twice. I'd like it to stop doing that.
My research (Google) has indicated that getting the same message sent to two different log files is a common enough problem, but that's not what I'm seeing. Each and every message appears twice within the single log file.
Does anybody have any tips on where I should start looking for ways to correct this behavior?
my $log_packages = undef;
sub _get_logging_modifications {
# Hash that is keyed by a package name
# and the value is the level at which
# to log that package
return %{$log_packages} if defined $log_packages;
$log_packages = {};
my $log_info = $ENV{PROJECT_LOG_INFO} || '';
for my $log_specification (split(/,/, $log_info)) {
# Skip to the next log specification unless we have
# a well formed log spec. i.e., Package::Name/LOGLEVEL
next unless $log_specification =~ m!([^/]+)/([A-Z]+)!i;
my $package = $1;
my $log_level = $2;
$log_packages->{$package} = $log_level;
return %{$log_packages};
my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new(
'[%d] +%X{user_name}+ ||%X{request_uri}||%n ' .
'%C:%L - %P - %p - %n ' .
my $web_data_path = $ENV{PROJECT_DATA_DIR}
|| File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $logfile = "${web_data_path}/app.log";
my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('');
my $app = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new(
name => 'APP',
filename => $logfile,
my %levels = (
my %mods = _get_logging_modifications();
for my $cat (keys %mods) {
my $level = uc($mods{$cat});
next unless exists($levels{$level});
my $other_log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger($cat);
my $dbi_log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('Project::NewLoggerThing');
my $dbi_layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new('%m%n');
my $dbi_logfile = "/opt/home/blairhippo/test.log"; # FIXME: Make this configurable
my $dbi_app = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new(
name => 'APP',
filename => $dbi_logfile,
$dbi_log->level($DEBUG); # FIXME: Make this configurable
I wish this was a nice pretty .conf file, but I'm working with the existing code.
In the Log::Log4perl
FAQ there is a question: I keep getting duplicate log messages! What's wrong?.