I need to calculate the Laplace transform of an integral function. It seems that sympy is not yet able to understand that.
Assuming the following:
from sympy import *
s, t = symbols('s t')
I = Function('I')(t)
eq1 = integrate(I, t)
transforms.laplace_transform(eq1, t, s)
The solution should be: I(s) / s
However, sympy gives: LaplaceTransform(Integral(I(t), t), t, s)
It seems to be an open issue Issue 7219. Is there any work around?
It seems that the issue hasn't been fixed yet.
However, we can give a "crappy workaround" based on the "crappy implementation" of Eric Wieser given for derivatives. Note, however, that the original snippet doesn't seem to work for derivatives either, because the internal representation of higher order derivatives seems to have changed since the snippet was posted.
Here's my "crappy" workaround that catches only the simplest of cases (derivatives only with respect to t
, indefinite integrals only with respect to t
, where t
is the variable on which the Laplace transform acts):
from sympy import *
def laplace(e, t, s):
"""Hacked-up Laplace transform that handles derivatives and integrals
Updated generalization of https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/7219#issuecomment-154768904
res = laplace_transform(e, t, s, noconds=True)
wf = Wild('f')
lw = LaplaceTransform(wf, t, s)
for exp in res.find(lw):
e = exp.match(lw)[wf]
args = e.args
if isinstance(e, Derivative):
# for derivative check that there's only d/dt^n with n>0
if len(args) == 2 and args[1][0] == t:
n = args[1][1]
if n > 0:
newexp = s**n * LaplaceTransform(e.args[0], t, s)
res = res.replace(exp, newexp)
elif isinstance(e, Integral):
# for integral check that there's only n consecutive indefinite integrals w.r.t. t
if all(len(arg) == 1 and arg[0] == t for arg in args[1:]):
newexp = s**(-len(args[1:])) * LaplaceTransform(args[0], t, s)
res = res.replace(exp, newexp)
# otherwise don't do anything
return res
x = Function('x')
s,t = symbols('s t')
print(laplace(Derivative(x(t), t, 3), t, s))
print(laplace(Integral(Integral(x(t), t), t), t, s))
The above outputs
s**3*LaplaceTransform(x(t), t, s)
LaplaceTransform(x(t), t, s)/s**2
as expected. Using your specific example:
I = Function('I')(t)
eq1 = integrate(I, t)
LI = laplace(eq1, t, s)
we get
LaplaceTransform(I(t), t, s)/s
which is the correct representation of "I(s)/s
" that you expected.
The way the above workaround works is that it matches the arguments of the LaplaceTransform
and checks if there's a pure Derivative
or Integral
inside. For Derivative
we check that there's only differentiation with respect to t
; this is what Eric's original workaround did, but while his code seems to have expected args of the form Derivative(x(t), t, t, t)
, the current representation of derivatives is Derivative(x(t), (t,3))
. This is why handling this use case had to be changed.
As for Integral
s, the representation is similar to the original one: Integral(x(t), t, t)
is a double integral. I still had to tweak Eric's original, because the args
of this expression contain tuples for each integral rather than a scalar t
, in order to accommodate definite integrals. Since we only want to handle the no-brainer case of indefinite integrals, I made sure that there's only indefinite integrals and only with respect to t
If the argument of the LaplaceTransform
is anything else, the expression is left alone.