As part of a course in signal processing at university, we have been asked to write an algorithm in Matlab to calculate the single sided spectrum of our signal using DFT, without using the fft()
function built in to matlab. this isn't an assessed part of the course, I'm just interested in getting this "right" for myself. I am currently using the 2018b version of Matlab, should anyone find this useful.
I have built a signal of a 1 KHz and 2KHz sinusoid, phase shifted by 135 degrees (2*pi/3 rad).
then using the equations in 9.1 of Discrete time signal processing (Allan V. Oppenheim) and Euler's formula to simplify the exponent, I produce this code:
%%DFT(currently buggy)
for m=1:DFT_N-1 %DFT_Fmin;DFT_Fmax; %scrolls through DFT m values (K in text.)
for n=1:DFT_N-1;%;(DFT_N-1);%<<redundant code? from Oppenheim eqn. 9.1 % eulers identity, K=m and n=n
%m=m+1; %redundant code?
This takes x as the input, in this case the signal mentioned earlier, as well as the resolution of the transform, as represented by the DFT_N, which has been initialized to 100. The output of this function, X, should be something in the frequency domain, but plotting X yields a circular plot slightly larger than the unit circle, and with a gap on the left hand edge.
I am struggling to see how I am supposed to convert this to the stem()
plots as given by the in-built DFT algorithm.
Many thanks, J.
If you are interested in the single-sided spectrum only, than you can just calculate X(m) for m=1:DFT_N/2
since X it is conjugate symmetric around m=DFT_N/2, i.e., X(DFT_N/2+m) = X(DFT_N/2-m)'
, due to exp(-j*(pi*n+2*pi/DFT_N*m)) = exp(-j*(pi*n-2*pi/DFT_N*m))'
As a side note, for a given m this program calculates an inner product between the array x and another array of complex exponentials, i.e., exp(-j*2*pi/DFT_N*m*n)
, for n = 0,1,...,N-1. MATLAB syntax is very convenient for such calculations, and you can avoid this inner loop by the following command
exp(-j*2*pi/DFT_N*m*(0:DFT_N-1)) * x
where x is a column vector. Similarly, you can avoid the first loop too by expanding your complex exponential vector row-wise for every m, i.e., build the matrix exp(-j*2*pi/DFT_N*(0:DFT_N-1)'*(0:DFT_N-1))
. Then your DFT is simply
X = exp(-j*2*pi/DFT_N*(0:DFT_N-1)'*(0:DFT_N-1)) * x
For single-sided spectrum, instead use
X = exp(-j*2*pi/DFT_N*(0:floor((DFT_N-1)/2))'*(0:DFT_N-1)) * x