How to solve std::map default value for move-only types? It seems like the problem is who owns the object
T const&
must be returnedT
(move-constructed from the default value) must be returned.But the return-type of the function must be the same regardless of where the return value came from. Thus it is impossible to take the default value from a temporary. Am I correct?
You could use std::shared_ptr but that would be cheating.
This can be achieved with a proxy object.
template <typename T>
class PossiblyOwner
struct Reference {};
PossiblyOwner(const PossiblyOwner & other)
: m_own(other.m_own),
m_ref(m_own.has_value() ? m_own.value() : other.m_ref)
PossiblyOwner(PossiblyOwner && other)
: m_own(std::move(other.m_own)),
m_ref(m_own.has_value() ? m_own.value() : other.m_ref)
PossiblyOwner(T && val) : m_own(std::move(val)), m_ref(m_own.value()) {}
PossiblyOwner(const T & val) : m_own(val), m_ref(m_own.value()) {}
PossiblyOwner(Reference, const T & val) : m_ref(val) {}
const T& value () const { return m_ref; }
operator const T& () const { return m_ref; }
// convenience operators, possibly also define ->, +, etc.
// but they are not strictly needed
auto operator *() const { return *m_ref; }
std::optional<T> m_own;
const T & m_ref;
// Not strictly required
template <typename T>
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out,
const PossiblyOwner<T> & value)
return out << value.value();
template <typename Container, typename Key, typename ...DefaultArgs>
auto GetOrDefault(const Container & container, const Key & key,
DefaultArgs ...defaultArgs)
-> PossiblyOwner<decltype(container.find(key)->second)>
auto it = container.find(key);
using value_type = decltype(it->second);
using ret_type = PossiblyOwner<value_type>;
if (it == container.end())
return {value_type(std::forward<DefaultArgs>(defaultArgs)...)};
return {typename ret_type::Reference{}, it->second};
Then the usage can be:
int main()
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<std::string>> mapping;
mapping.emplace(1, std::make_unique<std::string>("one"));
mapping.emplace(2, std::make_unique<std::string>("two"));
mapping.emplace(3, std::make_unique<std::string>("three"));
std::cout << *GetOrDefault(mapping, 0,
std::make_unique<std::string>("zero")) << "\n";
std::cout << *GetOrDefault(mapping, 1,
std::make_unique<std::string>("one1")) << "\n";
std::cout << *GetOrDefault(mapping, 3,
new std::string("three1")) << "\n";
I have noticed that the default copy constructor of PossiblyOwner<T>
causes undefined behavior, so I had to define a non-default copy and move constructors.