I was working with laravel factories and stuck with nested relation ships. For example a user may have many posts and a post has many comments. i was able to save posts with user by each() method but was not able to save comments with posts
$users = factory(App\User::class, 3)->create()
->each(function ($user) {
$user->posts()->saveMany(factory(App\Post::class, 5)->make());
as save() method accepts array so i must have to use make() method with posts but now i can't attach comments with the posts. after hour of searching i could not fond the solution but now i have solved it. I am posting it in answers for the fellows who are looking for the solution and please update me if there have more decent solution to this. Thanks
Here is how i solve this:
$users = factory(App\User::class, 3)->create()
->each(function ($user) {
$user->posts()->saveMany(factory(App\Post::class, 5)->make());
foreach ($users as $user){
foreach ($user->posts as $post){
$post->comments()->saveMany(factory(App\Comment::class, 5)->make());