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How to add my location button in Google Maps using Angular google maps?

enter image description here

I am using angular google maps to display maps and markers. Is it possible to show the icon in the bottom right corner of the map that on click of it shows the current location.

<agm-map [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="zoom">
  <agm-marker *ngFor="let m of mapArrayList; let i = index" 
    [latitude]="" [longitude]="m.geometry.location.lng()" 



  • First of all, Google Maps API v3 does not provide any default control for "show my location", so the only option would be implementing your own. But instead of creating it from scratch you could utilize a ready made control, e.g. klokantech.GeolocationControl

    Here is an instruction on how to integrate it into Angular 2+ application using Angular Google Maps:

    1)load maptilerlayer library by putting it into index.html:

    <script src=""></script>

    or dynamically, for example using scriptjs library:

    get('', () => {

    2)initialize klokantech.GeolocationControl in component:


    <agm-map #map [streetViewControl]=false [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="zoom" (mapReady)="mapLoad($event)">


    export class AppComponent {
      lat = -25.91;
      lng = 145.81;
      zoom = 4;
      protected mapLoad(map) {
      renderGeolocationControl(map) {
        get('', () => {
          const geoloccontrol = new klokantech.GeolocationControl(map, 18);


    Source code


    In case if you prefer to load dynamically, below is provided the instruction how to perform it via scriptjs package:

    Install the package:

    npm i scriptjs

    and type definitions for scriptjs:

    npm install --save @types/scriptjs

    Then import $script.get() method:

    import { get } from 'scriptjs'; 

    and finally load library:

    get('', () => {
      const geoloccontrol = new klokantech.GeolocationControl(map, 18);