I have a Julia code which runs for quite sometime. I want to run the code for 3 hours and then terminate it. Does anyone know what is the most efficient way to do this. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks
I recommend using Distributed
to spawn your function as a new process and control it's time (I believe I have been answering similar question but I cannot find the answer).
Here is the code:
using Distributed
function run_with_timeout(timeout::Int,f::Function, wid::Int)
result = RemoteChannel(()->Channel{Tuple}(1));
@spawnat wid put!(result, (f(),myid()))
res = (:timeout, wid)
time_elapsed = 0.0
while time_elapsed < timeout && !isready(result)
time_elapsed += 0.5
if !isready(result)
println("Timeout! at $wid")
res = take!(result)
return res
You can use it like this (please note how external packages are imported):
wid = addprocs(1)[1]
@everywhere using DataFrames
@everywhere function ff()
#code fir making heavy computations
#this is the place to write whatever you need
return DataFrame(x=[1,2],y=[1,3])
Now let us run it. Note that the second returned value is the workerid to run computations (you might want to remove it):
julia> run_with_timeout(10,() ->(try;ff();catch ee;dump(ee);end ),wid)
(2×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ x │ y │
│ │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1 │ 1 │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 2 │ 3 │, 2)
If we give our code only 1 sec to execute it will fail:
julia> run_with_timeout(1,() ->(try;ff();catch ee;dump(ee);end ),wid)
Timeout! at 2
(:timeout, 2)
Finally, since the timeout occured the process should be killed (otherwise it would continue to execute):