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Razor Page Handler with Class as Arg

How can I create a handler that takes in a class as an arg. This is based of the mediatr example for Razor pages. In the example, the 'Query' object has only an 'Id' property. I want to have 2 properties, for example:

public async Task OnGetEditAsync(Query query)
    Data = await _mediator.Send(query);

public class Query
    public string FirstId { get; set; }
    public string SecondId { get; set; }

When I try to create a route like this in my cshtml:

<a asp-page="/TestPage" asp-route-FirstId="abc" asp-route-SecondId="123">Test Link</a>

I get a 400 error. Is it possible to do this?


  • Link is pointing to wrong handler, You have OnGetEditAsync where Edit is name of handler; try this:

    <a asp-page="TestPage" asp-page-handler="Edit" asp-route-FirstId="abc" asp-route-SecondId="123">Test Link</a>