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Simulate gamepad input in UWP app on Xbox

I am trying to simulate user's input in UWP app running on Xbox. At first I tried to press a key via InjectedInputKeyboardInfo and it works fine.

var inputInjector = InputInjector.TryCreate();

InjectedInputKeyboardInfo inputKeyboardInfo = new InjectedInputKeyboardInfo
    KeyOptions = InjectedInputKeyOptions.ScanCode,
    ScanCode = 22

inputInjector.InjectKeyboardInput(new[] { inputKeyboardInfo });

Then I tried to press a key on gamepad and it actually does nothing. No error, no exception.

InjectedInputGamepadInfo info = new InjectedInputGamepadInfo
    Buttons = GamepadButtons.A


I updated my package manifest:

  • added namespace xmlns:rescap=""
  • added IgnorableNamespaces="rescap"
  • added capability <rescap:Capability Name="inputInjectionBrokered" />

My app has min/target version 16299.
My Xbox runs on 16299.4055.


  • From OS build 17134 there is new API which can be used to simulate Xbox One controller, keyboard or mouse.