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How to bind Listview to Observablecollection in a static class of another namespace

I reed a lot about namespace but still facing a problem / misunderstanding.

I would like to bind a Listview to an Observablecollection which resides in a static class in another namespace. It works but I can't succeed without code. I'm sure there is a better way to do this entirely in the XAML file.

So, this is my XAML file (...a part of - I delete a lot to be clear ...) :

<ContentPage xmlns=""
        <ListView x:Name="listToolBox">
                    <TextCell   Text="{Binding  Name}"
                                Detail="{Binding CreateDate}"/>

I set up the binding context of the "listToolBox" in the code behind:

using ToolBox.Model;

namespace ToolBox
    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        public MainPage()
            listToolBox.ItemsSource = ToolBox.Model.EBis.ToolBoxList;

It refers to a member of a static class:

namespace ToolBox.Model

    public static class EBis
        public static ObservableCollection<cDocuments> ToolBoxList = new ObservableCollection<cDocuments>
            new cDocuments{ Id = -1, Name = "Pas (encore) de connection aux serveurs ..."}

MY QUESTION: What are the binding instructions I have to write in the XAML elements in order to delete this line of code behind

listToolBox.ItemsSource = ToolBox.Model.EBis.ToolBoxList;

To be complete, the structure of my "Toolbox" APP is here:
see solution explorer

Thanks a lot for your advice


  • Use the x:Static markup extension:

    <ListView ItemsSource=“{x:Static local:Model.EBis.ToolBoxList}”>