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Z3 does not solve quantifier expression, expression is sat

Using z3 v 4.8.1 - - 64 bit - build hashcode 016872a5e0f6 the script below evaluate to unsat but an result of sat is expected.

  • Does z3 support solving expression like these?
  • Can a different smt-solver solve expression like these?

    (set-option :print-success false)
    (set-logic ALL)
    (push 1)
    (declare-const ss1 Int)
    (declare-const ss3 Int)
    (assert (forall ((t_ss3 Int)(t_ss1 Int))
      (< t_ss1 t_ss3)
      (and (and
       (< ss1 ss3)
       (= t_ss1 ss1))
       (= t_ss3 ss3))
    (echo "Check if the P -> Q is satisfiable")
    (pop 1)


  • Z3 is correct here; the script as you posed is indeed unsat. Here's what you said:

    • Let there be two constants ss1 and ss3
    • For all integers t_ss3 and t_ss1, whenever t_ss1 < t_ss3 holds, it must be the case that:

      • ss1 < ss3
      • AND, t_ss1 equals ss1
      • AND, t_ss3 equals ss3

    This is clearly not true for all t_ss1 and t_ss3. There is no ss1 and ss3 that would satisfy this for ALL t_ss1 and t_ss2. You only need to look at the very last clause: You can't expect all t_ss3 to equal an arbitrary ss3.

    I suspect you're trying to express some other property; but you did not code it correctly. Maybe you were trying to say if t_ss1 equals ss1 and t_ss3 equals ss3, and t_ss1 < t_ss3, then ss1 < ss3? That would be coded like the following:

    (declare-const ss1 Int)
    (declare-const ss3 Int)
    (assert (forall ((t_ss3 Int) (t_ss1 Int))
            (=> (and (< t_ss1 t_ss3)
                     (= t_ss1 ss1)
                     (= t_ss3 ss3))
                (< ss1 ss3))))

    and would indeed produce sat.

    If you come up with a better description of what you're trying to express, you can get better help in modeling it in SMT-Lib in a different question.