Is there a way in PHP to call an anonymous function in the definition of a custom function and pass it as an argument?
I've got this function
function foo( $message = function() {
return 'bar';
}) {
return $message;
echo foo();
This produces an error:
Fatal error: Constant expression contains invalid operations
Is the syntax wrong or is there no way of doing it?
From PHP Documentation:
The default value must be a constant expression, not (for example) a variable, a class member or a function call. PHP also allows the use of arrays and the special type NULL as default values
So, basically you cannot set a throwable (function) as Default value.
Instead, you can try something like below:
function foo( $message = null ) {
// If using default value
if (!isset($message)) {
// You can now define your default anonymous function behaviour
$return = function() { return 'bar';};
// Now, you can return the anonymous function handle
return $return();
echo foo();