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Calling a method with Go Reflect by name and with a parameter

This is a follow on from Calling a function with Go Reflect .

To simplify the question I cut out what I could, hard coded some values and ~hopefully~ didn't make it unclear in the process. I'm getting an error on the code "method.Call(env)" near the bottom.

Ideally what I would like to do is minimize the use of reflection similarly how ThunderCat did on the previous question with the line:

method := miType.Method(i).Func.Interface().(func(core.ModuleInfo) core.ModuleInfo)

but if that's not possible the simplest way it can be done would be perfectly fine. If this seems like a basic question, my apologies, I am very new to Go.

The error I am getting is:

cannot use env (type Environment) as type []reflect.Value in argument to method.Call

which is because I would like to assert the method to the function with the correct signature as was done on the previous quesiton but after quite a bit of playing around I just haven't quite got it.

The simplified code:

package main

import (

type CommandLineFlags struct {
  Debug *bool

type Environment struct {
  CLF CommandLineFlags

type ModuleInfo struct {
  Initialize bool   // Flag: True of module has Initialization function and it should be called. Default: false
  Module     string // Name of the module. No need to hard code, will be set during initialization.

type ModuleInit struct{}

func main() {
  var env Environment

  env.CLF.Debug = flag.Bool("dbg", false, "Enables Debug Messages")

  modules := make([]ModuleInfo, 1)
  modules[0].Initialize = true
  modules[0].Module = "logger"

  miValue := reflect.ValueOf(ModuleInit{})
  // miType := reflect.TypeOf(ModuleInit{})
  for _, m := range modules {
    if m.Initialize {
      funcName := m.Module + "Init"
      method := miValue.MethodByName(funcName)
      // Would like to do something like this
      //    ...Func.Interface().(func(core.ModuleInit) core.ModuleInit)
      // like is done with the referenced quesiton above so as to minimize the use of reflect calls.

func (mi ModuleInit) LoggerInit(env *Environment) {
  var debugEnabled = *env.CLF.Debug
  // ...and more stuff.


  • The method has the type func(*Environment). Assert to that type and call:

    modules := make([]ModuleInfo, 1)
    modules[0].Initialize = true
    modules[0].Module = "Logger"
    miValue := reflect.ValueOf(ModuleInit{})
    for _, m := range modules {
        if m.Initialize {
            funcName := m.Module + "Init"
            method := miValue.MethodByName(funcName).Interface().(func(*Environment))

    Run it on the Playground.

    (Note two issues fixed: The module should be "Logger", not "logger", method takes a *Environment, not an Environment.)

    The code above will panic if the method is not found or does not have the correct type. Here's the code with checks to prevent a panic:

    modules := make([]ModuleInfo, 1)
    modules[0].Initialize = true
    modules[0].Module = "Logger"
    miValue := reflect.ValueOf(ModuleInit{})
    for _, m := range modules {
        if m.Initialize {
            funcName := m.Module + "Init"
            method := miValue.MethodByName(funcName)
            if !method.IsValid() {
                fmt.Printf("method %s not found", funcName)
            fn, ok := method.Interface().(func(*Environment))
            if !ok {
                fmt.Println("method is not func(*Environment)")

    Run it on the Playground.