I'm able to jump to the end of the line in VIM in insert mode by having the following in my .vimrc
inoremap <C-e> <C-o>$
inoremap maps a key combination for insert mode
<C-e> is the keybinding I am creating.
<C-o> is a command that switches vim to normal mode for one command.
$ jumps to the end of the line and we are switched back to insert mode.
How can I do that in VSCodeVim plugin?
Here is what I have tried so far:
"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
"before": ["j", "j"],
"after": ["<Esc>"]
"before": ["<C-e>"],
"after": ["<C-o>$"]
"before": ["<C-r>"],
"after": [],
"commands": [
"command": "redo"
Place the following in your keybindings.json
"key": "ctrl+s e",
"command": "workbench.action.splitEditor"
"key": "cmd+\\",
"command": "-workbench.action.splitEditor"
"key": "ctrl+s t",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.split",
"when": "terminalFocus"
"key": "cmd+\\",
"command": "-workbench.action.terminal.split",
"when": "terminalFocus"
"key": "cmd+\\",
"command": "workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility"
"key": "cmd+b",
"command": "-workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility"
"key": "cmd+b cmd+",
"command": "gitlens.openChangedFiles"
"key": "cmd+b",
"command": "workbench.action.showAllEditors"
"key": "alt+cmd+tab",
"command": "-workbench.action.showAllEditors"
"key": "ctrl+alt+cmd+",
"command": "cursorColumnSelectDown",
"when": "textInputFocus"
"key": "shift+alt+cmd+down",
"command": "-cursorColumnSelectDown",
"when": "textInputFocus"
"key": "shift+alt+cmd+down",
"command": "cursorColumnSelectDown"
"key": "ctrl+a",
"command": "cursorHome",
"when": "textInputFocus"
"key": "ctrl+z",
"command": "cursorEnd",
"when": "textInputFocus"
// {
// "key": "ctrl+a",
// "command": "cursorLineStart",
// "when": "textInputFocus"
// },
// {
// "key": "ctrl+a",
// "command": "-cursorLineStart",
// "when": "textInputFocus"
// },
"key": "ctrl+cmd+t",
"command": "workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor"
"key": "shift+cmd+t",
"command": "-workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor"