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Android draw fixed paths on ImageView with support multiple screens

I have continents image and i need when user clicks on image detect which continent he is clicked.

I have tried collecting x y coordinates for every continent and when user clicks on image I check if user finger x y exists in my Paths like this:

val path = Path()
path.moveTo(409f, 1986f)
path.lineTo(414f, 1986f)
path.lineTo(418f, 1986f)

val rectF = RectF()
path.computeBounds(rectF, true)
val r = Region()
r.setPath(path, Region(rectF.left.toInt(),, rectF.right.toInt(), rectF.bottom.toInt()))

ivMainMap?.setOnTouchListener { v, event ->
    val point = Point()
    point.x = event.x.toInt()
    point.y = event.y.toInt()
    if (r.contains(point.x, point.y)) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "South America", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
    return@setOnTouchListener true

but i faced issue with multiple screen sizes, after that i have tried collecting x y coordinates on 560 dpi screen and convert x y to new x y with current screen size density, like this:

private fun getExactX(x: Float): Float {
    val screenAdjust = Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.densityDpi.toFloat() / 560f
    return ((x) * screenAdjust)

private fun getExactY(y: Float): Float {
    val screenAdjust = Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics.densityDpi.toFloat() / 560f
    return ((y) * screenAdjust)

but the issue still exist

continents image


  • Create a ratio multiplier:

    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        screen_width = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
        ratio_multiplier = screen_width/720; // Or whatever your base screen size is.
    Then that ratio_multiplier can be used for anything that needs resizing.
    I use this in all my programs for resizing button, images, etc.