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develop a game for an old system

I have a school programming project, the subject is free as long as we demonstrate our programming skills, I have an amiga 500 lying around and i wondered if i could make a game for it ? Maybe nothing complicated, i know how limited the system is but is it possible to make it / test it on a windows 10 pc with an emulator and later on burn it onto a magnetic disk ? Also is it possible is i put a comodore disquette in an usb disk reader, to read the code? or is it "too compiled" to learn anything from it ? Thank you !


  • The Amiga is (was) a nice computer to program on. Depending on your time budget, learning and coding a game from scratch can be quite time consuming (unless you already are familiar with the 68000 assembly language).

    There are plenty of alternatives though, to programm on this computer, using various languages :

    C Programming Using C with either GCC or VBCC and a dedicated (but quite simple and compact) game engine, such as ACE :

    The Amiga comes with a builtin library of graphical & audio functions (even the good old A500) that might help you to develop a game, in a fully os-friendly way. The result will be rather slow, but you will be able to use every part of the hardware (blitter, copper, bobs, sprites...) :

    Basic The Amiga has several version of the Basic language, most of them implementing a rather comprehensive set of commands to get the most of its hardware specifications (sprites, bobs...) You may want to try AMOS Basic, the most famous one :,16.html

    As an alternative, Blitz Basic was probably the second most popular basic on this machine :

    68K Assembly If you really need to get the most of the Amiga while being super close to the metal, and are starting from virtually nothing, then you might want to look at Photon's video tutorials : Theses tutos are rather demoscene-oriented, but the visual side of a game dev project is mostly similar to what you will find in a demoscene project (using bobs, sprites, blitter, copper list, playing ProTracker modules...)

    My only recommandation, no matter if you have the proper hardware at home or not, is to do most of your work inside an emulator. WinUAE is a near-perfect accurate emulator. You will benefit as well from all the modern tools to edit/version your code (Visual Studio Code, Git...).

    Besides the Amiga, I would recommend 2 oldschool-flavored machines (as of 2018) :

    • The SEGA Megadrive/Genesis, that can be adressed in a super friendly way using the excellent SGDK library :
    • The Pico-8, a virtual oldschool console that can(must) be programmed in Lua. Pico-8 can be understood as an emulator for a 8-bit-ish game console that never existed. Its community is really active, though. It can be found here :

    Again, regarding the Megadrive, an emulator might be your best friend.

    Once your creation is worth testing on the real machine and if you need to "burn" (copy) your creation on a floppy disk, my recommandation would be get an Amiga 1200 with a PCMCIA/CompactFlash adapter. Using a Gotek (USB to floppy adapter) can be a cheaper alternative that will work on your A500 too (but please don't butcher your Amiga to fit the Gotek in it).

    The Megadrive comes with a nice option nowadays, thanks to the Everdrive SD-Card adapter, that allows you to start any ROM file of your own on the real console.