i'm trying to test Cognitive-Speech-STT-Android Sample Project on my Android device after adding the client library dependency to Andoid Studio, creating a trial account and adding the Uri & primarykey weird behavior are causing the application to return this Log and no text result received:
Android Studio Log:
I/NLPLAT: Auth token status: 404
originating error 0x8000ffff
10-03 14:41:43.902 21547-22632/com.example.robotvoicedemo I/NLPLAT:
originating error 0x80070057
Authorization token hr 80070057 'S'
Refreshing token S
Waiting for connection/send completion.
Transport error, hr=8E200002
I/NLPLAT: WebSocket closed unexpectedly, status: 0
Closing web socket channel
CU Client connection dropped
Upgrade request returned with HTTP status code: 401.
Web socket handshake failed, hr=8E200002
web socket message delivery failed, hr=8E200002
Web socket channel already closed.
Message: 'S' has -1206569628 remaining transmit attempts.
Discarding failed message (name='S')
Reporting message failure to the observer (name='S')
Failed to 'hr', HR=8E200002, Failed to send message (name='S')
Transport error, hr=8E200002
Web socket channel already closed.
Message: 'S' has -1206569628 remaining transmit attempts.
Retrying message, name='S'
in case some one face the same issue i had, it turn out the MediaRecorder was blocked by another app the issue was solved after deleting the other App