I have created a freeRTOS task, and passed a pointer of a struct as the function param.
I noticed the struct property was changed after vTaskStartScheduler()
How do I protect my struct?
Here is the code
SHELL_Main, // function the task calls
"shell", // nametag for debug console
512, // assigned buffersize
&user_context,// Parameter passed in
1, // task priority
NULL); //task handle
printf("exit=%i", (&user_context)-> exit);
int32_t SHELL_Main(p_shell_context_t context)
printf("entered shell_main\n");
uint8_t ch;
int32_t i;
if (!context)
return -1;
context->exit = false;
context->printf_data_func("\r\nSHELL (build: %s)\r\n", __DATE__);
context->printf_data_func("Copyright (c) 2017 NXP Semiconductor\r\n");
while (1)
printf("context.exit=%s", (context->exit)?"true\n":"false\n");
printf("context.exit=%i", (context->exit));
if (context->exit)
Here is the console
exit=0entered shell_main
SHELL (build: Oct 26 2018)
Copyright (c) 2017 NXP Semiconductor
SHELL>> context.exit=true
If I call SHELL_Main() directly in main instead of wrapping it in task, here's the console
exit=0entered shell_main
SHELL (build: Oct 26 2018)
Copyright (c) 2017 NXP Semiconductor
SHELL>> context.exit=false
I speculate there is an overflow somewhere that overwrites my context.exit after calling vTaskStartScheduler(), but I do not know how to protect my struct. Can someone kindly share some idea?
is what modifies your struct (context->exit = false;
). You create that task and pass context
to it as param. When you start the scheduler, that task gets run and sets it to false
In fact vTaskStartScheduler()
never returns. See doc here: https://www.freertos.org/a00132.html
From comments below, sounds like printf_data_func()
is causing the issues. Dig further into it.