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How to get column data from a row in postgresSQL?

I have a database table name payroll like

Employee Period Attributes Amount
Zakir Oct'18 Basic 20000
Zakir Oct'18 H.Rent 10000
Zakir Oct'18 Convene 2000
Zakir Oct'18 Medical 2000
Tame Oct'18 Basic 30000
Tame Oct'18 H.Rent 15000
Tame Oct'18 Convene 2500
Tame Oct'18 Medical 2500

I want like

Employee Period Basic H.Rent Convene Medical Gross
Zakir Oct'18 20000 10000 2000 2000 34000
Tame Oct'18 30000 15000 2500 2500 50000


  • use case when

    select employee ,period,
    sum(case when attribute='basic' then amount else 0 end) basic,
    sum(case when attribute='H.Rent' then amount else 0 end H_Rent,
    sum(case when attribute='Convene' then amount else 0 end) Convene,
    sum(case when attribute='Medical' then amount else 0 end) Medical,
    sum(case when attribute='basic' then amount else 0 end)+
    sum(case when attribute='H.Rent' then amount else 0 end)+
    sum(case when attribute='Convene' then amount else 0 end)+
    sum(case when attribute='Medical' then amount else 0 end) as gross
    from payroll group by employee ,period