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Starting container failed: subnet sandbox join failed for \"\"

I am trying to port my "normal" container I run using:

docker run -d -p 8001:80 myImage:20181011123308

to a docker service, so I can use docker secrets. My service is running on a linux machine and should be exposed to the internet with port 8001:

docker service create --with-registry-auth --network my-overlay --name kinoheld --publish published=8001,target=80 --tty myImage:20181011123308

After a long search I found, that docker is logging the following error:

Oct 11 16:35:32 dockerd[1621]: time="2018-10-11T16:35:32.578017228+02:00" level=error msg="fatal task error" error="starting container failed: subnet sandbox join failed for \"\": error creating vxlan interface: operation not supported" module="node/agent/taskmanager"

But I don't know what the error means exactly and how to resolve it. Is anyone able to help me with this error and can tell me, what the problem might be?

I am currently running docker version 17.05.0-ce

My debian host is running linux:

uname -r


  • I was a problem with the installed linux kernel.

    The VPS / root server hoster OVH does use a custom kernel, which did not have activated vxlan support.