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Create directory using SAP BODS script?

How does one create directories in a given path on Windows using SAP Business Objects Designer 4.2 Script?

I got a Script with path that I'd like to create if it does not exist:

$My_Path = '\\\\localsrv\\source data\\post\\november'

My current network location only cosists of:

\\localsrv\source data\

And I would like to create subdirectories post and post\november within that location.


  • In Script we need to use an exec() function which sends a command to operating system for execution. It takes below arguments:

      <command file> -- for example cmd or bat
      <parameter_list> -- values to pass as arguments to the command line
      <flag> -- defines action upon error or nonzero return code

    That said, simply use cmd and md command to create directories with subdirectories on Windows and combine it with if not exists to skip trying to make a directory when it already exists.

    Script will look like:

    $My_Path = '\\\\localsrv\\source data\\post\\november'
    exec('cmd', 'if not exists "[$My_Path]" md "[$My_Path]"');