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Can't read data from Nifi output port using Flink-nifi connector

I have an instance of Nifi in docker on virtual machine with exposed ports: 8080 and 10000. On thin instance i created a simple pipeline with output port named "flink" and i want to read this data using flink-nifi connector:

 SiteToSiteClientConfig clientConfig = new SiteToSiteClient.Builder()
        DataStream<NiFiDataPacket> nifi = environment.addSource(new NiFiSource(clientConfig)); MapFunction<NiFiDataPacket, JsonNode>() {
            public JsonNode map(NiFiDataPacket value) throws Exception {
                return DataConverter.byte2Json(value.getContent());

In this case i got error: Exception in thread "main" org.apache.flink.runtime.client.JobExecutionException: If i add localAddress in config:

 SiteToSiteClientConfig clientConfig = new SiteToSiteClient.Builder()

I got this error: Exception in thread "main" org.apache.flink.runtime.client.JobExecutionException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind

I run this code from local pc on windows and flink is started in standalone mode. Also, i tried to run this directly on virtual machine but i got the same error.

In logs there is a lot of retries:

execchain.RetryExec: I/O exception ( caught when processing request to /vm-address->{}->http://vm-address:8080: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind


  • Finally, solved it! The problem was in my docker configuration. Firstly, i run nifi like this: docker run --name nifi -p 8008:8080 -p 10000:10000 -d apache/nifi:1.7.1 The network, by default, was bridge. In this case my container has some random hostname and i don't communicate with container directly, but through the docker. When i choose network=host: docker run --name nifi --network host -d apache/nifi:1.7.1 everything goes well. Probably, i could solve it another way (maybe, explicitly resolve container hostname), but this was the easiest way