I made a variant of eqT
that would allow me work with the result like any other Bool
to write something like eqT' @a @T1 || eqT' @a @T2
. However, while that worked well in some cases, I found that I couldn't replace every use of eqT
with it. For example, I wanted to use it to write a variant of readMaybe
that would just be Just
when it was supposed to return a String
. While using eqT
allowed me to keep the type as String -> Maybe a
, using eqT'
requires the type to be String -> Maybe String
. Why is that? I know that I can do this via other means, but I want to know why this doesn't work. I suppose this has something to do with special treatment in case expressions for GADTs (a :~: b
being a GADT), but what is that special treatment?
Here is some example code of what I'm talking about:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Text.Read
eqT' :: forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Bool
eqT' = case eqT @a @b of
Just Refl -> True
_ -> False
readMaybeWithBadType1 :: forall a. (Typeable a, Read a) => String -> Maybe String
readMaybeWithBadType1 = if eqT' @a @String
then Just
else readMaybe
readMaybeWithBadType2 :: forall a. (Typeable a, Read a) => String -> Maybe String
readMaybeWithBadType2 = case eqT' @a @String of
True -> Just
False -> readMaybe
readMaybeWithGoodType :: forall a. (Typeable a, Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMaybeWithGoodType = case eqT @a @String of
Just Refl -> Just
_ -> readMaybe
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
Changing the type of either readMaybeWithBadType
to return Maybe a
results in ghc complaining:
u.hs:16:14: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘String’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
readMaybeWithBadType1 :: forall a.
(Typeable a, Read a) =>
String -> Maybe a
at u.hs:14:5-80
Expected type: String -> Maybe a
Actual type: a -> Maybe a
• In the expression: Just
In the expression: if eqT' @a @String then Just else readMaybe
In an equation for ‘readMaybeWithBadType1’:
readMaybeWithBadType1 = if eqT' @a @String then Just else readMaybe
• Relevant bindings include
readMaybeWithBadType1 :: String -> Maybe a (bound at u.hs:15:5)
16 | then Just
| ^^^^
u.hs:21:17: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘a’ with ‘String’
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
readMaybeWithBadType2 :: forall a.
(Typeable a, Read a) =>
String -> Maybe a
at u.hs:19:5-80
Expected type: String -> Maybe a
Actual type: a -> Maybe a
• In the expression: Just
In a case alternative: True -> Just
In the expression:
case eqT' @a @String of
True -> Just
False -> readMaybe
• Relevant bindings include
readMaybeWithBadType2 :: String -> Maybe a (bound at u.hs:20:5)
21 | True -> Just
| ^^^^
I kind of get why it's complaining, but I don't see why it isn't a problem in readMaybeWithGoodType
Thanks to bergey and chi, I think I understand the series of steps that caused GHC to return that error to me. They're both good answers, but I think a good deal of my misunderstanding was not understanding the concrete steps Haskell takes to type check and how it relates, in this case, to GADT pattern matching. I'm going to write an answer that describes this to the best of my understanding.
So, to start, one of the things that makes GADTs GADTs is that you can define a sum-type where each option can be of a different type that's more specific than the type given in the head of the data declaration. That makes the following possible:
data a :~: b where
Refl :: a :~: a
So here we only have one constructor, Refl
, which is an a :~: b
, but more specifically, this particular constructor (albeit the only one) results in an a :~: a
. If we compose that with Maybe
to get the type Maybe (a :~: b)
, then we have 2 possible values: Just Refl :: Maybe (a :~: a)
and Nothing :: Maybe (a :~: b)
. That's how the type carries the information on type equality by pattern matching.
Now, to make GADTs work with pattern matching, something cool must be done. That's that the expressions matched with each pattern may be more specialized than the whole of the pattern matching expression (e.g. case expressions). Using the added type refinement included in a GADT constructor to further specialize the type required of the matching expression is the special treatment Haskell does for GADTs in pattern matching. So when we do:
readMaybeWithGoodType :: forall a. (Typeable a, Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMaybeWithGoodType = case eqT @a @String of
Just Refl -> Just
_ -> readMaybe
is Maybe (a :~: b)
, eqT @a @String
and the matched _
is (Typeable a, Read a) => Maybe (a :~: String)
, but Just Refl
is Maybe (String :~: String)
Haskell will require the whole case expression to be a type superset of (Typeable a, Read a) => String -> Maybe a
. The _
match which is just readMaybe
is type Read a => String -> Maybe a
which is a superset. However, Just
is type a -> Maybe a
, which is not a superset, because the case expression should include things like String -> Maybe Int
but Just
can't return that because it would need for String ~ Int
. This is what was happening when matching with Bool
. GHC told that it couldn't match the Maybe String
would return with the more general Read a => Maybe a
that was required of it.
This is where pattern matching on a constructor that includes this type equality information is important. By matching on Just Refl :: Maybe (String :~: String)
, Haskell won't need that matching expression to be of a type superset of (Typeable a, Read a) => String -> Maybe a
, it just needs it to be a superset of String -> Maybe String
(a subset type of the original required type), which it is by being a -> Maybe a