I want to be able to check the return code from an application that is executed.
I tried implement it by the PowerBuilder function Run, but its not return the code of application which executed.
In fact, Run() launches the target synchronously, so by the time the next line of PowerScript runs, your Run() app may not be finished, let alone have a return code available. You need to make the Windows API calls with appropriate parameters yourself to achieve this, instead of relying on the PowerScript wrapper, which only gives you the synchronous option.
The following is what I have to launch a DOS command and get the return value. You may or may not need to tweak the parameters to the API calls as appropriate. The API calls are assuming a Unicode version of PowerBuilder, i.e. 10.0 or later.
External Function Prototypes
FUNCTION boolean CreateProcess(string AppName, string CommLine, long l1, long l2, boolean binh, long creationflags, long l3, string dir, str_startupinfo startupinfo, ref str_processinformation pi ) library 'kernel32.dll' alias for "CreateProcessW"
FUNCTION long WaitForSingleObject ( ulong ul_Notification, long lmillisecs ) library "kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION long GetExitCodeProcess(ulong hProcess,ref ulong lpExitCode) LIBRARY "kernel32.dll"
FUNCTION boolean CloseHandle(ulong h) library 'kernel32.dll'
ObjectStructure str_startupinfo
ulong cb
string lpreserved
string lpdesktop
string lptitle
ulong dwx
ulong dwy
ulong dwxsize
ulong dwysize
ulong dwxcountchars
ulong dwycountchars
ulong dwfillattribute
ulong dwflags
uint wshowwindow
uint cbreserved2
string lpreserved2
uint hstdinput
uint hstdoutput
uint hstderror
ObjectStructure str_processinformation
unsignedlong hprocess
unsignedlong hthread
long dwprocessid
long dwthreadid
function of_runandwait (string as_command, boolean ab_Visible) returns ulong
constant long STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 1
constant long CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 16
constant long NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = 32
constant long INFINITE = -1
boolean lb_Return
long ll_Null, ll_CreationFlags, ll_Return
ulong lul_ProcessReturn
string ls_CurDir, ls_Null
str_StartupInfo lstr_Start
str_Processinformation lstr_PI
lstr_Start.cb = 72
IF ab_Visible THEN
lstr_Start.wShowWindow = 1
lstr_Start.wShowWindow = 0
lb_Return = CreateProcess (ls_Null, as_Command, ll_Null, ll_Null, FALSE, ll_CreationFlags, ll_Null, ls_CurDir, lstr_Start, lstr_PI)
ll_Return = WaitForSingleObject (lstr_PI.hProcess, INFINITE)
ll_Return = GetExitCodeProcess (lstr_PI.hProcess, lul_ProcessReturn)
RETURN lul_ProcessReturn
Good luck,