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Can extracting a base class break binary serialisation

If I have a class with a number of fields, and I serialise it using binary serialisation.

I then extract a base class and move some of the fields from the class into the base class. Eg.

class Class
     int field1;
     string field2;

Is changed to

class Class : BaseClass
     int field1;

class BaseClass
     string field2;

Is it possible for this to break serialisation in any way - i.e. will it always be possible to deserialise old versions of Class into new versions of Class and vice versa.

Experiments I performed indicated that this is fine, but if somebody knows of any edge cases where this wouldn't work, that would obviously be great before I put this into production code.


  • EDIT: There is a problem while deserializing: the member "field1" will not be properly deserialized.

    1) Serialized person:

    var person = new Employee()
                    Name = "Mark Zuckerberg",
                    Salary = 1000
    var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
    bf.Serialize(new FileStream("C:\\TEMP\\test.dat", FileMode.Create), person);
    public class Employee
      public string Name { get; set; }
      public decimal Salary { get; set; }

    2) Changed class structure

    public abstract class Person
      public string Name { get; set; }           
    public class Employee : Person
      public decimal Salary { get; set; }

    3) Deserialized: Name is null enter image description here

    Original Answer:

    Assuming you are using the BinaryFormatter, this article does not mention anything about it, so I guess it's fine (EDIT: It's NOT fine).

    Here are some best practices to follow generally (also extracted from above article):

    • Never remove a serialized field.
    • Never apply the NonSerializedAttribute attribute to a field if the attribute was not applied to the field in the previous version.
    • Never change the name or the type of a serialized field.
    • When adding a new serialized field, apply the OptionalFieldAttribute attribute.
    • When removing a NonSerializedAttribute attribute from a field (that was not serializable in a previous version), apply the OptionalFieldAttribute attribute.
    • For all optional fields, set meaningful defaults using the serialization callbacks unless 0 or null as defaults are acceptable.

    To ensure that a type will be compatible with future serialization engines, follow these guidelines:

    • Always set the VersionAdded property on the OptionalFieldAttribute attribute correctly.
    • Avoid branched versioning.