I'm encountering a problem with the 'Tab Navigation' template of Nativescript (V4) with Angular, with Android, on emulator (Nougat v7.1.1) or on the device (Oreo 8.1).
When I navigate between tabs, the screen "flashes". The behavior seems linked to the use of several "page-router-outlet".
I tried the solution described Nativescript Forum, without success.
With the <item name=“android:windowAnimationStyle”>@null</item>
in AppThemeBase, I encounter an error of the type
System.err: com.tns.NativeScriptException:
System.err: Calling js method onViewAttachedToWindow failed
System.err: TypeError: Cannot set property 'transitionType' of null
(both on emulator or device).
a little video showing the problem
If someone has an idea ? :)
We have found this issue to be linked to 2 key things in NativeScript core modules:
constructor(frame: Frame) {
this._controller = UINavigationControllerImpl.initWithOwner(new WeakRef(frame));
// This needs to be set early to avoid white flashes when changing page-router-outlets preferably in the constructor for iOS frame
this._controller.setNavigationBarHiddenAnimated(true, false);
We've also found it helps for iOS to set transparent background on the controllers when they are constructed, ie in page.ios.ts
where this occurs:
const controller = UIViewControllerImpl.initWithOwner(new WeakRef(this));
this.viewController = this._ios = controller;
// controller.view.backgroundColor = whiteColor; (This is what it's doing now which obviously could cause a white flash)
controller.view.backgroundColor = new Color("#00000000").ios; // instead could ensure transparent to start
More discussion here: https://github.com/NativeScript/NativeScript/issues/6454#issuecomment-433176056