I had facebook login setup using python-social-auth
a while ago, but it stopped working. Now I updated social auth library and set it up again.
I went trough a few errors from incorrect secret, incorrect facebook setup up till "Authentication process canceled". Now it seems like whole process went successfully, however once I am redirected back, I am still not logged in.
I think, I have same problem with google auth, which worked alright even before I updated library, so I guess some configuration changed.
I upgraded from python-social-auth==0.2.21
to python-social-auth==0.3.6
I checked newest documentation and changed a few bits, that were different with no help.
I got standard pipeline, social AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
first, updated context processors (prefix social.apps.django_app
-> social_django
), but still no help.
I already went trough quite a few files of the library and related ones to fix those errors. Now I kinda don't know where should I look for problem and dig a bit.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated!
Okay, it took me a lot of digging. I knew whole pipeline was going trough and there was user instance in the end + request.user.is_authenticated()
returned true. However after redirect, I wasn't logged in.
In the end, I found out, I had to change social.backends.facebook.FacebookOAuth2
to social_core.backends.facebook.FacebookOAuth2
(and same for GoogleOAuth2).
Very annoying and hard to find.