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Read Multiple HTML Tables from Webpage in Single Data Scraping in UIPath

I am trying to extract data from below URL using UIPath

My requirement is to generate 5 Datatables in UiPath each one for global, Americas,.. etc from above link.

Here I am using Data scraping for 5 times to extract global, Americas,.. etc data to 5 different Data tables in UIPath.

Is there any easiest way to achieve this task, like doing Datascraping one time and generating 5 Datatables?


  • Five different data tables sounds reasonable, yet the scraping wizard will generate a lot of overhead when used five times. You won't need a sequence within a sequence, and attaching the browser multiple times isn't necessary. I would create a simple Open Browser activity, then use the scraping wizard five times, and finally move the ExtractData activity into the first Do sequence, for example:

    enter image description here