Website development on ASP.NET 4.0(Webforms) with C#.
My rendered ASP.NET Menu control is horizontal and has three levels of data.
And I have set StaticDisplayLevels="1" so that the menu shows Level1 data horizontally and onmouseover of level1, the menu displays the level2 data and onmouseover of level2, the menu displays level3 data.
To display level2 and level3 data in a single list, with the children of first level2(if any) get displayed below the first level2 data. Then comes second level2 and its children(if any) and so on.
Consider the above image. What i would like to have, is a display like the one on the left. But the ASP.NET Menu control renders it like the image on the right side.
I have searched high and low in the net for a solution. I even tried replacing the markup of the generated control using Menu's DataBound event and then injecting javascript hack to it. I succeeded in it but it lacks reusability.
What I would like to have is a way to implement a re-usable ASP.NET Menu Control with static level2 (and level3) after dynamic level1 which acts like a megadropdown. I am sure that there should be a way and that I am going the wrong way. Any ideas?
Couldn't get any simple solutions.
Workaround was this made the hierarchal sitemap into a table with parent id for parent xml and 0 if no parent. Then I programmatically created a asp:Menu at code behind from that data