I have list of objects
AAA.aListofObjects= (from tdrc in db.objectsDB
where tdrc.objectID == id
select tdrc).ToList();
one parameter AAA.aListofObjects.check - holds true or false data.
Inside view I render my list using "for" where I have "If" statement to decide whether to check or not the checkbox
@for (int i = 0; i < Model.aListofObjects.Count; i++)
if(something equals something then I must render checkbox as checked)
@Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => modelItem.aListofObjects[i].check)
render unchecked checkbox
@Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => modelItem.aListofObjects[i].check)
Now how can I make them checked in this situation ?
@Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => modelItem.aListofObjects[i].check, @checked="checked")
does not help.
some aListofObjects[i].check are "true" and when I check html debugger I see that checkbox has value="true" status, but it is still unchecked. Why ?
In true condition to make checkbox checked you can set below code :
@Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => modelItem.aListofObjects[i].check, new { @checked = "checked" })
And for else condition to remain checkbox uncheck you can set below code :
@Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => modelItem.aListofObjects[i].check)
And you can get more details on @HTML.CheckboxFor here : Proper usage of .net MVC Html.CheckBoxForenter link description here