I am trying to make a python program which plot pendulum swings using runge kutta 4. The equation I have is angular accelartion = -(m*g*r/I) * np.sin(y)
Please find my code. I am quite new to python.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = 3.0
g = 9.8
r = 2.0
I = 12.0
h = 0.0025
cycle = 10.0
t = np.arange(0, cycle, h)
n = (int)((cycle)/h)
initial_angle = 90.0
def accel(theta):
return -(m*g*r/I)*np.sin(theta)
y[0] = np.radians(initial_angle)
v[0] = np.radians(0.0)
for i in range(0, n-1):
k1y = h*v[i]
k1v = h*accel(y[i])
k2y = h*(v[i]+0.5*k1v)
k2v = h*accel(y[i]+0.5*k1y)
k3y = h*(v[i]+0.5*k2v)
k3v = h*accel(y[i]+0.5*k2y)
k4y = h*(v[i]+k3v)
k4v = h*accel(y[i]+k3y)
y[i+1] = y[i] + (k1y + 2 * k2y + 2 * k3y + k4y) / 6.0
v[i+1] = v[i] + (k1v + 2 * k2v + 2 * k3v + k4v) / 6.0
plt.plot(t, y)
plt.title('Pendulum Motion:')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.ylabel('angle (rad)')
I have updated code now. I am getting sine way. Thank you..
You have applied the RK4 steps as if you were solving a first order equation. You need to transform the second order equation into a first order system and then solve that coupled system.
v = dy/dt
acceleration = dv/dt
so that each step in RK4 has two components
k1y = h*v
k1v = h*accel(y)
k2y = h*(v+0.5*k1v)
k2v = h*accel(y+0.5*k1y)
The complete code gives then a nice sine wave
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = 3.0
g = 9.8
r = 2.0
I = 12.0
h = 0.0025
cycle = 10.0
t = np.arange(0, cycle, h)
# step height h
n = len(t)
initial_angle = 90.0
def accel(theta): return -(m*g*r/I)*np.sin(theta)
y[0] = np.radians(initial_angle)
v[0] = np.radians(0.0)
for i in range(0, n-1):
k1y = h*v[i]
k1v = h*accel(y[i])
k2y = h*(v[i]+0.5*k1v)
k2v = h*accel(y[i]+0.5*k1y)
k3y = h*(v[i]+0.5*k2v)
k3v = h*accel(y[i]+0.5*k2y)
k4y = h*(v[i]+k3v)
k4v = h*accel(y[i]+k3y)
# Update next value of y
y[i+1] = y[i] + (k1y + 2 * k2y + 2 * k3y + k4y) / 6.0
v[i+1] = v[i] + (k1v + 2 * k2v + 2 * k3v + k4v) / 6.0
plt.plot(t, y)
plt.title('Pendulum Motion:')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.ylabel('angle (rad)')