I need to do encryption and decryption of a string in Inno Setup through Rijndael algorithm. I've found out that people are using DCPcrypt library to do what I need in Pascal, but they are using files with .pas extension. And I don't know if there is a way to use those files, and methods from those files in Inno Setup script? I've used .dll files and methods from those files before to do some operations in Inno Setup script, so I'm wondering if there is a way to do the same with .pas files?
Inno Setup Pascal Script and Pascal language have much similarity. But the Pascal Script is a way more limited and not really compatible. So there is a very little chance that you can use any more-than-trivial Pascal code in Inno Setup.
You can of course build a DLL from that Pascal code and use it in Inno Setup. This may help: https://delphi.fandom.com/wiki/Creating_DLLs
As Rijandel is also implemented in .NET, you can also consider creating a DLL in .NET/C#:
Calling .NET DLL in Inno Setup
Though, make sure you really want Rijandel and not AES.
Also this really looks like an XY problem. You should rather ask, "How to implement Rijandel (or AES) encryption in Inno Setup".