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Tagging Protractor - Jasmine e2e Tests for execution

I have written some e2e UI tests for an angular 6 app using protractor and jasmine. I am looking to see how I can tag specific "It"s for execution. I want to be able to tag them as @smoke, @ regression etc.

How can this be achieved ? I run my tests with ng e2e.


  • I realized you can exclude tests from execution by marking them as xit. Jasmine also give s you fit if you need to run a test first.

    describe('test to be excluded from execution', ()= > {
    xit('Test 1', () => {
       code to be run
    fit('Test 2', () => {
       code to be run
     it('Test 3', () => {
       code to be run

    Tests will run in the order

    Test 2 Test 3