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How to change connection string for each database in each server

Say i have 2 servers server 1 and server 2.

In each server there are x databases, each having a connection to a global database.

server1 has database1, datatabse2, database3.

server2 has database4, database5

We would have 2 files, one file containing the servers, and another containing the "databases"

then the loop would be:

Import-Module SqlServer 

foreach ($server in $servers_file)
    $Analysis_Server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server  

    foreach ($database in $databases_file)
        $database = $Analysis_Server.Databases.FindByName($database)

        ####### Setting connection property for $database #######

        $database.DataSources[0].ConnectionString = "UserId=…;Password=…."


the problem here is this loop does not consider where a database belongs for the server.

for example, if i have the database file as:






how can i make this loop know that it has to exit the inner loop when database1-3 has finished from server1, and now you have to move on to the outerloop to connect to server2 for databases4 and 5.

ConnectionInfo class:


  • Seeing your last comment on wanting to use a csv file to populate the Hashtable, you can do this:

    Suppose your CSV looks like this


    You can then read it in using Import-Csv and create a hash from it like this

    $h = @{}
    Import-Csv '<PATH_TO_THE_CSV_FILE>' | Group-Object Server | ForEach-Object {
        $db = @()
        foreach ($item in $_.Group) {
            $db += $item.Database 
        $h += @{$($_.Name) = $db}

    Depending on your version of PowerShell (I think you need at least 5.1 for this), you can simplify the previous by doing:

    $h = @{}
    Import-Csv 'D:\Code\PowerShell\StackOverflow\Databases.csv' | Group-Object Server | ForEach-Object {
        $h += @{$($_.Name) = $_.Group.Database}

    Next you can use the loop as described by thom schumacher:

    foreach($server in $h.Keys){ 
       $Analysis_Server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server  
       foreach($db in $h[$server]) {
          write-output "$server - has db $db"
          $database = $Analysis_Server.Databases.FindByName($db)
          ####### Setting connection property for $database #######
          $database.DataSources[0].ConnectionString = "UserId=…;Password=…."


    From your comment I gather your csv file looks like this:

    "server1", "database1, database2, database3"
    "server2","database4, database5"

    In that case, you can read it into a Hashtable like this:

    $h = @{}
    Import-Csv '<PATH_TO_THE_CSV_FILE>' | ForEach-Object {
        $h += @{$($_.Server) = ($_.Database -split '\s*,\s*') }

    If your CSV file does not have headers like above, user the -Header switch on the Import-Csv cmdlet to give the columns a name we can work with like this:

        Import-Csv '<PATH_TO_THE_CSV_FILE>' -Header 'Server','Database'