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Cloudfoundry: Docker app crashes on startup

When I try to start up my docker image, it crashes on startup because it exceeds some quota.

Is there any way to increase said quota?


"exit_description"=>"failed to create container: running image plugin create: pulling the image: streaming blob `sha256:e627f246588031563fb0a8ec26f6b275f92f97bd3b150376f2afdb571b0a1d1e`: writing blob to tempfile: uncompressed layer size exceeds quota\n: exit status 1", "crash_count"=>1, "crash_timestamp"=>1540365703889102250, "version"=>"d8e21bbc-385d-4d41-b921-0c627ccd4a95"

Docker image:

Thanks Cyril


  • It seems that your docker image is larger than the default disk limit. You can increase the disk limit when you push your docker image by specifying the parameter -k. E.g.:

    cf push -k 2G

    If you're using a manifest to specify the parameters please add the following code to your manifest.yml

    disk_quota: 2G