Trying to teach myself Salesforce Development.
I created a Lightning Component for a Communities page to create a Lead. The component works fine, simply calls the Apex class to insert the Lead.
However, I can't figure out how to write the test class required before this can be passed to production.
Here is the Apex Class to create the Lead:
public class LightningLeadCreatecls {
public static void createLead(Lead leadObj){
insert leadObj;
I have written Apex Test Classes for Apex Classes that simply pull data with SELECT, but can't figure out how to create this test class. It is at 0/2.
No different as the example found in Salesforce's official site, try
private class LightningLeadCreateTest {
static testMethod void doTest() {
// Insert Lead
Lead l = new Lead(LastName='Test', Company='Test', Status='Open - Not Contacted');
// Retrieve the Lead
Lead verifyLead = [SELECT LastName FROM Lead LIMIT 1];
// Test that Lead exist
System.assertEquals('Test', verifyLead.LastName);