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finding first and last available days of a month in pandas

I have a pandas dataframe from 2007 to 2017. The data is like this:

date      closing_price
2007-12-03  728.73
2007-12-04  728.83
2007-12-05  728.83
2007-12-07  728.93
2007-12-10  728.22
2007-12-11  728.50
2007-12-12  728.51
2007-12-13  728.65
2007-12-14  728.65
2007-12-17  728.70
2007-12-18  728.73
2007-12-19  728.73
2007-12-20  728.73
2007-12-21  728.52
2007-12-24  728.52
2007-12-26  728.90
2007-12-27  728.90
2007-12-28  728.91
2008-01-05  728.88
2008-01-08  728.86
2008-01-09  728.84
2008-01-10  728.85
2008-01-11  728.85
2008-01-15  728.86
2008-01-16  728.89

As you can see, some days are missing for each month. I want to take the first and last 'available' days of each month, and calculate the difference of their closing_price, and put the results in a new dataframe. For example for the first month, the days will be 2007-12-03 and 2007-12-28, and the closing prices would be 728.73 and 728.91, so the result would be 0.18. How can I do this?


  • you can group df by month and apply a function to do it. Notice the to_period, this function convert DataFrame from DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex with desired frequency.

    def calculate(x):
        start_closing_price = x.loc[x.index.min(), "closing_price"]
        end_closing_price = x.loc[x.index.max(), "closing_price"]
        return end_closing_price-start_closing_price
    result = df.groupby(df["date"].dt.to_period("M")).apply(calculate)
    # result
    2007-12    0.18
    2008-01    0.01
    Freq: M, dtype: float64