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Can mathematical operators *, /, +, -, ^ be used to convert a non-zero number to 1?

I am working with software (Oracle Siebel) that only supports JavaScript expressions with operators multiply, divide, subtract, add, and XOR (*, /, -, +, ^). I don't have other operators such as ! or ? : available.

Using the above operators, is it possible to convert a number to 1 if it is non-zero and leave it 0 if it's already zero? The number may be positive, zero, or negative.


var c = 55;

var d;  // d needs to set as 1

I tried c / c , but it evaluates to NaN when c is 0. d needs to be 0 when c is 0.

c is a currency value, and it will have a maximum of two trailing digits and 12 leading digits.

I am trying to emulate an if condition by converting a number to a Boolean 0 or 1, and then multiplying other parts of the expression.


  • c / (c + 5e-324) should work. (The constant 5e-324 is Number.MIN_VALUE, the smallest representable positive number.) If x is 0, that is exactly 0, and if x is nonzero (technically, if x is at least 4.45014771701440252e-308, which the smallest non-zero number allowed in the question, 0.01, is), JavaScript's floating-point math is too imprecise for the answer to be different than 1, so it will come out as exactly 1.