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Adding Payeezy FirstData self-signed certificate to server Trusted Store CA on Centos 7 with VestaCP

I'm having an issue with setting up certificate on my Centos 7 VPS that runs VestaCP with Nginx and PHP-FPM for a website that runs Wordrpress CMS via SSL (we have already signed and running GoDaddy certificate). Basically what I am doing is adding Payeezy FirstData certificate to a Wordpress with WooCommerce project using these steps:

  1. Running this command from SSH openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout 1234567key.pem -out 1234567req.pem -subj "/C=LV/" -outform PEM where 1234567 is Merchant ID
  2. Signing the request at using 1234567req.pem file for test system and then getting the ECOMM-test.pem and 1234567.pem files by as a response e-mail.
  3. Running this command openssl pkcs12 -export -in 1234567.pem -out 1234567keystore.p12 -certfile ECOMM-test.pem -inkey 1234567key.pem
  4. Running this command openssl pkcs12 -in 1234567keystore.p12 -out 1234567keystore.pem

After doing this I asked FirstData to add our VPS IP address to their allowed hosts.

By documentation and their support I've done everything right so far and all should work, but when I try to run sample transaction .php script I get this response:

startDMSAuth: Peer does not recognize and trust the CA that issued your certificate.

Which in human language means - your server does not trust the authority that signed this certificate. Please add it to Trusted Store Certificate Authority list (something like that).

The problem is that I don't know how to do it (add CA to Trusted Store CA list on Centos7 running VestaCP with Nginx and PHP-FPM) and can't find proper documentation or tutorial how to do it so I was hoping someone here has had an experience with this and could explain me and others with the same issue how to do it.


  • I found my solution here:
    Don't do line 403: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM >mycertfile.pem

    In short:

    1. Open SSH and run below commands as sudo
    2. update-ca-trust force-enable
    3. update-ca-trust extract
    4. cp certificate.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ (change certificate.pem to the certificate that you want to add
    5. update-ca-trust extract