I searched the site found several references to what I am looking to do. None worked in my case.
This seems like a simple problem. I am simply trying to set the default value to "--Select--".
I am filling the comboBox from a datatable from a database
Admin_BL admBL = new Admin_BL();
//populates datatable from database
dtBlds = admBL.GetActiveBuildings();
cmbBuilding.DataSource = dtBlds;
cmbBuilding.Text = "--Select--";
cmbBuilding.DisplayMember = "Building";
cmbBuilding.ValueMember = "Building";
I have used this also:
cmbBuilding.Items.Insert(0, "Select Bld");
This seems like a simple task I am not sure why this is not working in windows forms I would appreciate the help Thank You!
The issue here is that you're binding to an object and that object does not contain an entry for "-- Select --". Either you need to add this entry during the query:
SELECT 0 AS ID, '-- Select --' AS Building
Then when you bind you'll find "-- Select --" is the first item.
If you don't want to change your query you can just insert a new row into the datatable once you've retrieved the data.
Assuming you've only got 2 columns in your datatable (ID and Building):
DataRow row = dtBlds.NewRow();
row[0] = 0;
row[1] = "-- Select --";
dtBlds.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0);
Once you've done this you can do the binding:
cmbBuilding.DataSource = dtBlds;
cmbBuilding.DisplayMember = "Building";
cmbBuilding.ValueMember = "Building";