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Why are my API Pie parameters not showing up?

I created the documentation for my methods, and the top-level method description shows up along with its verb, but when I click on any of these links it tells me "Oops!! Method create.en not found for resource questions."

Here is an example of my code:

  api :DELETE, '/questions/:id', 'Deletes question. Note that the delete cascades and also removes any child questions.'
  param :id, :number
  def destroy
    @question = Question.find(params[:id])
    head :ok

And here's what the page looks like – all of these links take me to an error page

enter image description here

Weirdly, if I look at the json version it seems to be fine (i.e. it includes all the information).


  • I ended up needing to add these lines to the initializer:

      config.default_locale          = 'en'
      config.languages               = ['en']