I have multiple buckets and on my existing config I have a user for each bucket where the username is the name of the bucket and the password is a single password for all the buckets.. this is functioning as a work-around for rbac that was released with 5.x and the removal of bucket-level passwords.
Now I've spent many hours today figuring out how I can control all the buckets with a single admin user (in order for me to finally get rid of the many un-neccessary users)
I'm running latest couchbase 5.5.2
and spring-data-couchbase 3.1.1.RELEASE
which should have the rbac support as mentioned here
The documentation doesn't mention how I can achieve this and the comments in the github link above are vague and I can't figure it out.
Finally figured it out.
You'll need to overwrite following method from AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration
, specifying the rbac user
protected String getUsername() {
return "Admin";
Then change all your bucket beans to use openBucket(String s1)
instead of openBucket(String s1, String s2)
public Bucket kBucket() throws Exception {
return couchbaseCluster().openBucket("buck");