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PHP define scope for included file

I have quite a lot of PHP view files, which I used to include in my controllers using simple include statements. They all use methods declared in a view class which they get like $view->method(); However I recently decided that it would be better if the including would also be done by this view class. This however changes the scope of the included file so that $view is no longer defined. Here is a code example:

in someViewFile.php (BOTH siuations)
    <head><title><?php echo $view->getAppTitle(); ?></title>
OLD SITUATION in controller:
    $view = new view;
    include('someViewFile.php'); //$view is defined in someViewFile.php
NEW SITUATION in controller:
    $view = new view;
    $view->show('someViewFile'); //$view is not defined in someViewFile.php

Right now I hacked my way around the problem using this in the view class:

public function show($file){
    $view = &$this;

Is there anyway to declare the scope of the inluded file or is this the best way of solving the problem?

These examples are off coarse simplified.


  • You can't change include() scope, no, so your method is probably about as good as it gets in the situation you're describing. Though I'd skip the ugly PHP4-compat ampersand, myself.