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How to send pictures using AppleScript

I made a script that sends messages to people. I also want to be able to send pictures through this script.

on run
    tell application "Messages"
        set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage
        set targetBuddy to buddy "18008888888" of targetService

        repeat 3 times
            send "/Users/ADMIN/Desktop/photo.png" to 
        end repeat

    end tell
end run

Putting the directory of the photo in quotations makes the message sent be a string, and taking away the quotes results in an error.


  • You need a file reference. Try

    send POSIX file "/Users/ADMIN/Desktop/photo.png" to targetBuddy


    set filePath to (path to desktop as text) & "photo.png"
    tell application "Messages"
        set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage
        set targetBuddy to buddy "18008888888" of targetService
        repeat 3 times
            send file filePath to targetBuddy
        end repeat
    end tell