I have a case where I have 70 oracle schemas and I have to execute the same script on each
which would be the best way to achieve this.
Is it possible with a CURSOR?
For now I'm doing it with
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = SCHEMA_1;
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = SCHEMA_2;
ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = SCHEMA_3;
And I replace the "====" with my script, I+m doing it with Notepad++ but I have to prepare the script manually and if the script is long I have to split it in multiple chunks without new lines and do a replace for each chunk
I would like to automate this a little bit more.
I offer the following semi-automatic way, which does not automate your task, but cuts down on the search and replace.
If you are using SQL*Plus, you can execute a file with the following syntax:
If you would want to do that once for each schema, you could generate the code by querying the dictionary:
select 'ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = ' || owner || ';
from dba_users
where <your filter>;
Then you would just copy/paste the result of that query in sqlplus. It is probably possible to spool that to file and execute it.