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Test empty token in FOR /F Batch

I'm trying to split a string with the format: client_subfolder_filename into three variable : client, subfolder and filename (which would include the extension too)

But I can't manage to test if the parsing failed (in which case the file is not a valid file and should be ignored)

I have tried =="", ==[], not defined, not exist, but nothing seems to work. Ideally, I would like to test if client, subfolder or fileName is an empty string

Here is my script

@echo off

::mainDir is the directory where the customerfolders and the scripts are located
set mainDir=C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyScript\src
cd %mainDir%
cd FilesToMove
set /a count=1

set client=""
set subfolder=""
set fileName=""

for %%i in (*) do (
  echo       !count! %%i
  set /a count=count+1

  for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=_" %%a in ("%%i") do (
    set client=%%a
    set subfolder=%%b
    set fileName=%%c

    if "!subfolder!" == "" goto NEXT
    if "!fileName!" == "" goto NEXT
    if not exist "%mainDir%\!client!\!subfolder!\" (mkdir "%mainDir%\!client!\!subfolder!")
    move %%i "%mainDir%"\!client!\!subfolder!\!fileName!"


  • You can't use a GOTO inside a FOR command. It breaks out of the FOR command. That is your main problem. Regardless of that, why bother using delayed expansion. Just use the FOR variables directly with all your other commands. Also, DO NOT do this: set client="". You are assigning quotes to the variable. If you want to make it undefined then do this: set "client=".

    To test for %%b and %%c being empty use both of them at the same time in an IF command. Reverse the sequence on one side. When they are not equal, then you know both of them are populated.

    Here is how I would code your script.

    @echo off
    REM mainDir is the directory where the customerfolders and the scripts are located
    set mainDir=C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyScript\src
    cd %mainDir%
    cd FilesToMove
    set /a count=0
    for %%i in (*) do (
        set /a count+=1
        echo       !count! %%i
        for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=_" %%a in ("%%i") do (
            rem client=%%a
            rem subfolder=%%b
            rem fileName=%%c
            if NOT "%%b%%c"=="%%c%%b" (
                mkdir "%mainDir%\%%a\%%c"  >nul 2>&1
                move "%%~i" "%mainDir%\%%a\%%b\%%c"