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C# Equals extension is unable to check equality

I extended the equals method and hashcode to check for equality of two identical objects with boolean properties. when I mutate the object making one of the boolean properties false instead of true it fails to recognize the difference and asserts they are equal;. Any Ideas why?

   public override bool Equals(object value)
        if (!(value is LocationPropertyOptions options))
            return false;

        return Equals(options, value);

    public bool Equals(LocationPropertyOptions options)
        return options.GetHashCode() == GetHashCode();

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return ToString().GetHashCode();

    public override string ToString()
        return $"{Identifier}{AccountEntityKey}{Address}{Comments}{Contact}" +
               $"{Coordinate}{Description}{FaxNumber}{LastOrderDate}{PhoneNumber}" +
               $"{ServiceAreaOverride}{ServiceRadiusOverride}{StandardInstructions}" +


  • You cast options from value, then call Equals with options vs value. That means you compare value with value, it returns always true for you

    public override bool Equals(object value)
        if (!(value is LocationPropertyOptions options))
           return false;    
        return Equals(options, value);

    Try comparing this with value, like

    return Equals(this, value);