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UE4 BP can't make ball stick to player feet in socket

As a GD I am trying to learn UE4 BP to make prototypes for my games ideas.

I am trying to attach a sphere base object to the player's when he enters collision with it, but it does not work. If I enable physics on the ball, it flies away, but if I don', it stays in place.


  • I created a third person template project
  • I created a base sphere object in it and scaled it to 0.3
  • I enabled physics and actor overlap event on the ball
  • I added a socket on the right foot of the skeletal mesh of the third person character
  • I tried making the following blueprint but it does not work

enter image description here

I tried using the onactorhit too, placing self actor and other actor in object to try. For the onactorbeginoverlap I tried checking the "collision generate overlap event" on the third person character mesh and capsule, and now I am out of ideas and sample BP from the net.


  • 1-Check Your collision preset on the ball 2-Check the spelling of your socket name 3-Try to just make the ball a child of your mesh first then attach to component