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angularJS validate input field with the help of $emit and $on

I am creating a web app in which I want to validate some of my input fields

so I am using $emit and $on to keep it short

I created a directive which looks like this

angular.module('myapp').directive('validateFields', function () {
    return function (scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.$on('validateInputFields', function (param) {
            if (param == undefined || param == null || param == '') {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

I want to execute this directive and return true or false as per result(I know this is incorrect but I am very new in directives and $emit $on)

and I am calling this in my controller

$scope.$emit('validateInputFields', $scope.mddoh);

but this is printing an object

{name: "validateInputFields", targetScope: b, stopPropagation: ƒ, preventDefault: ƒ, defaultPrevented: false, …}

what is the best way to use $emit and $on in my scenerio


  • Change $scope.$emit in your Controller to

    $rootScope.$broadcast('validateInputFields', $scope.mddoh);

    and in your Directive, change scope.$on to


    and don't forget to inject $rootScope.