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mkdir permission error while importing [email protected] with [email protected]

While I am trying to import [email protected] using Node 10.9.0, I am getting below error,

oracledb Beginning installation
oracledb Verifying installation
oracledb Continuing installation
oracledb ERR! NJS-054: Binary build/Release/oracledb.node was not installed.
oracledb ERR! Failed to install binary package oracledb-v3.0.0-node-abi64-linux-x64.gz
oracledb ERR! EACCES: permission denied, mkdir 'build'
oracledb ERR! For help see

Since above code seems to be permission issue, I also tried sudo npm i [email protected] but then it gives below error

sudo: npm: command not found


How can I give permission to create directory or execute command npm with sudo rights, any help would be deeply appreciated.


  • Utilize --unsafe-perm=true and --allow-root flags with npm install.

    npm install -g [email protected] --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

    You can read more o this here :